This is a semester-long project that I worked on for my Databases class. The project generates a valid graduation plan for you, which is easier said than done!
As I am trying to graduate in 3 years, I have spent a fair amount of time staring at a DARS report. The degree reports tell me what classes I need to take in order to graduate, and what hour/course requirements I need to complete.
This also means that I spend a lot of time cross-referencing the report with the available course list, and ensuring that I don’t take too many hard classes together.
The Plan
What if I was able to take that DARS report, and available course information, to generate these schedules?
Wade Fagen-Ulmschneider (The 🐐) has released a couple of datasets:
The “Gen Ed” Dataset details what courses satisfy which general education requirements
GPA Dataset gets the average course GPA in each class using a series of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests
Course Catalog Dataset details every course section ever offered
Making Datasets
Unfortunately, DARS reports are only offered in HTML formats. The report will need to go from something like this: